
Rye is ideal for early autumn drilling and drought-prone land

Rye can be drilled across a wide window while still being early to mature. It is particularly good at tillering and drilling can begin from early September through to the end of autumn.

It’s recommended that seed rates are increased when drilling after the middle of October. It has a vigorous growth habit, out-competing weeds from the start.

Like triticale it is an excellent crop for drought prone, light land, where its long rooting system is ideal for scavenging for water and nutrients.

Rye grows well in much poorer soils than those necessary for most cereal grains and it’s an especially valuable crop in regions where the soil has sand or peat. Rye plants withstand cold better than other small grains do. Organic rye seed and rye grains are available in 25kg or 500kg bag sizes.

Due to our strong relationships with UK and European plant breeders, we have access to leading established varieties but also new variety releases which can be issued on semi-exclusive, or even exclusive arrangements.

Spring Rye

Boyko Spring Rye

Boyko Spring Rye

This spring rye is suitable for cover crop or silage production, offering rapid establishment and good drought tolerance. Boyko has showed excellent standing in private trials.

Winter Rye

Elgo Winter Rye

Elego Winter Rye

This proven and in-demand variety is a population rye with an excellent high untreated yield potential and phenomenal disease and stress resistance.

Elias Winter Rye

Elias Winter Rye

This high yielding, early maturing population winter rye is dual-purpose, suitable for both feeding and milling. Ideal for rye flour production, cover crop or biomass.

Hybrid Rye

KWS Tayo

KWS Tayo

KWS Tayo is a new generation hybrid rye (Pollen Plus), it has excellent stem stiffness and is multipurpose. It has low input costs but produces high grain and high straw yields.

Elgo Winter Rye

SU Arvid

SU Arvid is a high yielding wholecrop variety with an outstanding disease package and high tolerance to drought conditions


Elgo Winter Rye

SU Baresi

SU Baresi is a further step forward in breeding from its predecessor SU Arvid, presenting further genetic disease improvements.

Elgo Winter Rye

SU Bendix

SU Bendix provides stable grain quality, this variety has been tried and tested in pig feed, and also presents a good agronomic package with excellent


Elgo Winter Rye

SU Cossani

SU Cossani is a flexible variety which can suit the wholecrop and grain market, the variety also suits a later drilling slot


Elgo Winter Rye

SU Elrond

SU Elrond is a dual-purpose variety with improved genetics that delivers high dry matter yields and consistently high methane content out of whole crop


Elgo Winter Rye

SU Nasri

Earliest maturing variety on the German Descriptive List 2017, with
robust disease resistance and very high yielding.

Elgo Winter Rye

SU Performer

A mainstay variety in the Elsoms’ portfolio, SU Performer is high yielding and has a good resistance to lodging


Elgo Winter Rye

SU Pluralis

SU Pluralis is the first example of a step forward in breeding from Saaten Union, this variety presents enviable brown rust resistance and a step up in yield performance


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