Grass Seeds
Our extensive range of organic and conventional grass seed covers agricultural and amenity markets. As leading UK suppliers, we pride ourselves on producing superior seed and work with world-leading plant breeders to deliver unrivalled innovation and quality.
Backed by our team’s wide-ranging expertise, our agricultural grass seed range includes varieties suitable for hay, silage and grazing. We produce bespoke environmental stewardship mixtures which are eligible for Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) and Higher Level Stewardship (HLS).
We also supply amenity and sports turf mixtures for various applications including the equestrian sector and use on golf courses and sports stadia.
Conventional Grass Seed Mixtures
Vetch Express
30% Teanna, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
15% Shakira, Diploid Italian Ryegrass
10% Rozeta, Red Clover
5% Crimson, Clover
40% Common Vetch
20.0 kilos per acre/50.0 kilos per hectare
A 1 year mixture designed to produce large amounts of forage in a relatively short space of time. Although formulated to provide one big cut, there will be some regrowth from this mixture for a second smaller cut or aftermath grazing and with the high legume content (vetch, crimson and red clover) this mixture will also act as an excellent soil improver, releasing large amounts of nitrogen into the soil when ploughed in.
Short Term Express (1 year)
50% Major, Westerwolds Ryegrass
50% Teanna, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
14.0 kilos per acre/35.0 kilos per hectare
This mixture is formulated to produce a large crop of hay or silage in a relatively short space of time (around 12 weeks from sowing). It will respond well to nitrogen and can be aftermath grazed if required.
Short Term (1-2 Years)
35% Shakira, Diploid Italian Ryegrass
35% Teanna, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
15% Lofa, Festulolium
15% Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
14.0 kilos per acre/35.0 kilos per hectare
Like the 1 year ley, this mixture is designed to produce large cuts of good quality hay or silage. Its speed of growth will be slightly slower than the “Short Term Express” but is formulated to last 2 years rather than just 1 year. Again, it will respond well to nitrogen so is ideal for high input regimes.
Red Clover Medium Term (3-4 Years)
20% Lofa, Festulolium
27.5% Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
27.5% Agaska, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
25% Rozeta, Red Clover
13.0 kilos per acre/32.5 kilos per hectare
Red Clover is becoming a popular option in medium term leys, giving annual yields significantly higher than white clover. The clover rich sward that this mixture will produce is suited not only to producing high quality hay or silage, but also excellent, highly palatable grazing, ideal for cattle grazing and lamb fattening (although not breeding ewes due to the high oestrogen levels in the Red Clover). The Red Clover may need “topping up” especially if the ley is going to be used into a 4th year.
Medium Term (3-4 years)
35% Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
30% Lofa, Festulolium
20% Agaska, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
15% Oakpark, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
14.0 kilos per acre/35.0 kilos per hectare
With a good balance of Hybrid and Perennial Ryegrass, this mixture will produce high quality forage whether cut or grazed. If grazed, the sward will be fully productive for around 3 years but if cut, it should last well into a 4th year. Will respond well to bagged nitrogen applications.
White Clover Medium Term (3-4 Years)
30% Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
25% Lofa, Festulolium
22.5% Agaska, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
12.5% Oakpark, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
3.5% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
4% Crusader, Medium Leafed White Clover
2.5% Rivendel, Small Leafed White Clover
14.0 kilos per acre/35.0 kilos per hectare
Formulated for lower input situations, this mixture includes white clover which will not only fix quantities of atmospheric Nitrogen for the grass but will also add protein and trace elements to the animal’s diet. It is suitable for both cutting and grazing.
Red Clover Medium Term (3-4 Years)
20% Lofa, Festulolium
27.5% Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
27.5% Agaska, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
25% Rozeta, Red Clover
13.0 kilos per acre/32.5 kilos per hectare
Red Clover is becoming a popular option in medium term leys, giving annual yields significantly higher than white clover. The clover rich sward that this mixture will produce is suited not only to producing high quality hay or silage, but also excellent, highly palatable grazing, ideal for cattle grazing and lamb fattening (although not breeding ewes due to the high oestrogen levels in the Red Clover). The Red Clover may need “topping up” especially if the ley is going to be used into a 4th year.
Long Term (5-7 years)
15% Lofa, Festulolium
20% Nifty, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
25% Aston Vision, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
22.5% Cavendish, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
17.5% Bijou, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
14.0 kilos per acre/35 kilos per hectare
A well balanced long term ley mixture that is equally suited to cutting or grazing. Suitable for farms where large quantities of bagged nitrogen are applied, this mixture will respond well to applied fertiliser.
White Clover Long Term (5-7 Years)
12.5% Lofa, Festulolium
17.5% Nifty, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
17.5% Aston Vision, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
22.5% Cavendish, Late Diploid Perennial Ryegrass
20% Bijou, Late Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass
3% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
4% Buddy, Medium Leafed White Clover
3% Rivendel, Small Leafed White Clover
14.0 kilos per acre/35 kilos per hectare
The same well balanced mixture as the “Long Term” but with white clover included. This will make the mixture suitable for lower input situations where little or no bagged fertilizer is used. The combination of various leaf sizes of white clover makes the mixture flexible in that it can be cut, grazed by cattle or grazed by sheep.
Intensive Grazer
25% Oakpark, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
25% Cavendish, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
22.5% Toddington, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
15% Bijou, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
12.5% Nashota, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
14.0 kilos per acre/35.0 kilos per hectare
Using only prostrate, late heading varieties of Perennial Ryegrass, this mixture will produce a dense palatable and digestible sward especially suited to Intensive grazing. The excellent winter hardiness and persistence of the ley will mean that the ley will be productive for a good few years.
Short Term Overseeder
50% Teanna, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
30% Lofa, Festulolium
20% Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
10.0 kilos per acre/25.0 kilos per hectare
Ideal for overseeding either damaged pastures or ones that are showing signs of wear, this mixture can be direct drilled into the existing sward or can be broadcast and will help to extend the ley for a further 2-3 years. If broadcast, for best results, the sward should have just been cut or grazed. A passing of a chain harrow will open up the sward and then after broadcasting the seed, a roller (preferably a ring roller) should be used which not only presses the seed into the soil but also re-firms up the surface creating a better environment for the seed to germinate into.
White Clover Intensive Grazer
22.5% Cavendish, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
22.5% Oakpark, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
20% Toddington, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
12.5% Bijou, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
12.5% Nashota, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
2% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
3.5% Buddy, Medium Leafed White Clover
4.5% Rivendel, Small Leafed White Clover
14.0 kilos per acre/35.0 kilos per hectare
The “Intensive Grazer” mixture including a balanced formulation of persistent white clover varieties highly suited to grazing.
Long Term Overseeder
25% Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
30% Aston Vision, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
25% Nashota, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
20% Lofa, Festulolium
10.0 kilos per acre/25.0 kilos per hectare
This overseeding mixture is designed to improve a ley which is due to be down for a further 4-5 years.
Herbal Ley
16.25% Lofa, Festulolium
18.5% Agaska, Intermediate Diploid Perennial Ryegrass
5.75% Amba, Cocksfoot
11.25% Senu, Meadow Fescue
14.75% Comer, Timothy
7% Rozeta, Red Clover
3.75% Rivendel, White Clover
3.5% GEA, Lucerne
3.5% Aurora, Alsike
1.5% Birdsfoot, Trefoil
5% Yellow Sweet Clover
3.75% Spadona, Chicory
1.25% Ranger, Ribgrass
3.5% Burnet
0.75% Sheeps Parsley
13.50 kilos per acre/33.50 kilos per hectare
A diverse mixture of grasses, clovers and herbs, formulated to produce a sward ideal for grazing and cutting. This will not only provide quality forage but also with the deep rooting herbs help to improve soil structure and draw up essential vitamins and minerals for ruminant animals.
Horse & Pony Paddock
35% Diploid, Early Perennial Ryegrass
11% Diploid, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
30% Diploid, Late Perennial Ryegrass
7.5% Timothy
16.5% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
13.5 kilos per acre/33.75 kilos per hectare
This mixture will produce a hard wearing, resilient sward which will be highly suited to grazing horses. This mixture can also be cut for hay if required. The Creeping Red Fescue and Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass will fill out the bottom of the sward helping to give good ground cover whilst Timothy is included for it’s palatability and hay making qualities.
Root Seed & Forage Crops
We are able to offer a comprehensive range of:-
Swede Maincrop Turnip Stubble Turnip Kale
Rape x Kale Hybrid Fodder Beet Mustard Fodder Radish
Catch Crop Mixtures Gamecover Crops Gamecover Mixtures
Please contact us to discuss any requirements that you have
Organic Grass Seed Mixtures
Organic Vetch Express (70% Organic)
20% Teanna, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
10% Organic Fabio, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
15% Organic Filo, Diploid Italian Ryegrass
10% Rozeta, Red Clover
5% Organic Kardinal, Crimson Clover
40% Organic Gravis, Vetch
20.0 kilos per acre/50.0 kilos per hectare
A 1 year mixture designed to produce large amounts of forage in a relatively short space of time. Although formulated to provide one big cut, there will be some regrowth from this mixture for a second smaller cut or aftermath grazing and with the high legume content (vetch, crimson and red clover) this mixture will also act as an excellent soil improver, releasing large amounts of nitrogen into the soil when ploughed in.
Organic 1-2 year ley (70% organic)
35% Organic Filo, Diploid Italian Ryegrass
5% Shakira, Diploid Italian Ryegrass
35% Organic Fabio, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
25% Rozeta, Red Clover
13.0 kilos per acre/32 kilos per hectare
A grass mixture formulated to provide large cuts of protein rich hay or silage. It can also be grazed if required and is ideal for lamb fattening. When ploughed up, the Red Clover will leave good quantities of residual nitrogen in the soil for the following crop.
Organic Soil Improver (70% organic)
22.5% Organic Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
30% Organic Diwan, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
25% Rozeta, Red Clover
5% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
17.5% Organic Perun, Festulolium
10.0 kilos per acre/25.0 kilos per hectare
A 1-2 year mixture formulated to add fertility and structure to the soil. Quick to grow, this mixture should also act as a natural weed suppressant. Ideally, this mixture should be topped regularly during the growing period of the ley and when ploughed in will release large amounts of nitrogen into the soil to be utilized by the following crop.
Organic 3-4 Year White Clover Ley (70% Organic)
15% Organic Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
18% Organic Diwan, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
20.5% Organic Nifty, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
18.75% Oakpark, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
4% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
16.5% Organic Perun, Festulolium
13.5 kilos per acre/33.5 kilos per hectare
Ideal both for cutting and grazing, this mixture will produce a clover rich sward, full of protein and trace elements. The white clover will fix good quantities of atmospheric nitrogen which it will release into the soil for the grass to utilise. This ley will be more persistent than the shorter term mixtures.
Organic 3-4 year Red Clover ley (70% organic)
19.5% Organic Perun, Festulolium
30.5% Organic Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
20% Organic Nifty, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
5% Aston Conqueror, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
25% Rozeta, Broad Red Clover
13.0 kilos per acre/32.5 kilos per hectare
A 3-4 year mixture formulated mainly for cutting although it can be aftermath grazed if required. This will provide high yields of protein rich hay or silage. Red Clover is relatively easy to establish and is higher yielding than white clover. Care should be taken when grazing high Red Clover swards as the high oestrogen levels in Red Clover can affect the fertility of ewes if grazed by them.
Organic 5-7 Year Ley (70% organic)
20% Organic Nifty, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
20% Organic Diwan, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
20% Organic Diploid, Late Perennial Ryegrass
18.5% Nashota, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
3% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
4.5% Buddy, Medium Leafed White Clover
4% Rivendel, Small Leafed White Clover
10% Organic Perun, Festulolium
13.5 kilos per acre/33.5 kilos per hectare
A flexible 5-7 year ley that can, not only be cut for hay or silage, but equally will provide high quality grazing for cattle or sheep. The good proportion of White Clover will both fix atmospheric nitrogen to supply the companion grass but will also add protein and trace elements to the animal’s diet.
Organic permanent pasture (70% Organic)
23.5% Organic Nifty, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
13.5% Organic Diwan, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
26.5% Organic Toddington, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
10% Nashota, Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
10% Comer, Timothy
6.5% Organic Laura, Meadow Fescue
2.25% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
3.75% Buddy, Medium Leafed White Clover
4% Rivendel, Small Leafed White Clover
15.0 kilos per acre/37.5 kilos per hectare
A permanent pasture mixture, using a selection of grass varieties with a good spread of heading dates. This should provide excellent, season long grazing. The mixture can also be cut for hay or silage if required. The Timothy is included to add to the palatability of the sward whilst Meadow Fescue is not only winter hardy but is more productive than Perennial Ryegrass in mid summer. A balanced selection of clover varieties are included to add extra protein to the sward whilst also providing a good source of nitrogen.
Organic Cockle Park (70% organic)
18% Organic Nifty, Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
15% Organic Diwan, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
20% Organic Toddington, Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
12.5% Nashota, Late Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass
10% Organic Jumis, Timothy
7% Organic Laura, Meadow Fescue
7.5% Amba, Cocksfoot
2.5% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
3.5% Buddy, Medium Leafed White Clover
4% Rivendel, Small Leafed White Clover
15.0 kilos per acre/37.5 kilos per hectare
Formulated for upland use or in areas of lower fertility, the Cockle Park mixture not only contains a good selection of Perennial Ryegrass varieties but also quantities of Timothy, Meadow Fescue and Cocksfoot which have shown to be better suited to less than ideal conditions or soil types and tend to have a lower nutrient requirement. With the high rate of white clover, once established, a ready source of nitrogen is provided for the companion grasses.
Herbal Ley (70% organic)
16.25% Organic Perun, Festulolium
18.5% Organic Nifty, Intermediate Diploid Perennial Ryegrass
11.25% Organic Laura, Meadow Fescue
14.75% Organic Jumis, Timothy
5.75% Organic Donata, Cocksfoot
7% Rozeta, Red Clover
3.75% Rivendel, White Clover
3.5% Aurora, Alsike
1.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
3.5% Organic Gea, Lucerne
5% Yellow Sweet Clover
3.75% Spadona, Chicory
1.25% Ranger, Ribgrass
3.5% Burnet
0.75% Sheep’Parsley
13.50 kilos per acre/33.5 kilos per hectare
A diverse mixture of grasses, clovers and herbs, formulated to produce a sward ideal for grazing or cutting. This will not only provide quality forage but also with the deep rooting herbs help to improve soil structure and draw up essential vitamins and minerals for ruminant animals.
Organic overseeder (70% Organic)
17.5% Organic Fabio, Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
22.5% Organic Aston Crusader, Tetraploid Hybrid Ryegrass
12.5% Organic Diwan, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
20% Calibra, Tetraploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
10% Dublin, Large Leafed White Clover
17.5% Organic Perun, Festulolium
10.0 kilos per acre/25 kilos per hectare
Ideal for overseeding either damaged pastures or ones that are showing signs of wear, this mixture can be direct drilled into the existing sward or can be broadcast. If broadcast, ideally the sward should have just been cut or grazed. A passing of a chain harrow will open up the sward and then after broadcasting the seed, a roller (preferably a ring roller) should be used which not only presses the seed into the soil but also re-firms up the surface creating a better environment for the seed to germinate into.
Catch Crops
Fast Grass Mixture 1
50% Westerwolds Ryegrass
25% Diploid Italian Ryegrass
25% Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
Sowing rate: 12.5 – 14 kilos per acre.
- Rapid establishment, ideal for a late sowing
- May provide a late autumn cut if sown early enough
- Will provide a cut or grazing in spring
Supreme catch crop
35% Forage Rape
65% Stubble Turnip
Suggested sowing rate: 2-3 kilos per acre/5-7.5 kilos per hectare.
- Sow May – late August
- Optimum utilisation period is 10-12 weeks from sowing
- Best suited to sheep enterprises (finishing lambs or as late autumn and early/mid-winter sheep keep)
Supreme mid-winter keep
15% Tyfon Forage Brassica (Thiram treated)
15% Maincrop Turnip
45% Stubble Turnip
25% Forage Kale
Suggested sowing rate: 2 kilos per acre/5 kilos per hectare
- Sow early June – early August
- Optimum utilisation period is late autumn through to late January
- Principally a winter-based sheep keep mixture that is cheap to establish and should give an abundance of green feed from late October/early November onwards
Mid-winter keep
70% Stubble Turnip
20% Interval Rape x Kale Hybrid
10% Forage Kale
2 kilos per acre/5 kilos per hectare
- Sow Early June – Mid August
- Optimum utilisation period is late Autumn through to January
- A mixture designed to produce a good quantity of nutritious winter sheep keep
Supreme late-winter keep
40% Interval, Rape x Kale Hybrid
25% Stubble Turnip
20% Kale
15% Maincrop Turnip
Suggested sowing rate: 2.5 kilos per acre/6.25 kilos per hectare
- Sow June to early August
- Optimum utilisation period is late December – March
- A mixture of durable brassica species highly suited to mid/late winter sheep keep
- Primarily designed for sheep keep although out-wintered cattle can perform extremely well on this mixture
Lawn & Amenity Grass Seed
Fast Grass Mixture 1
50% Westerwolds Ryegrass
25% Diploid Italian Ryegrass
25% Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
Sowing rate: 12.5 – 14 kilos per acre.
- Rapid establishment, ideal for a late sowing
- May provide a late autumn cut if sown early enough
- Will provide a cut or grazing in spring
Supreme catch crop
35% Forage Rape
65% Stubble Turnip
Suggested sowing rate: 2-3 kilos per acre/5-7.5 kilos per hectare.
- Sow May – late August
- Optimum utilisation period is 10-12 weeks from sowing
- Best suited to sheep enterprises (finishing lambs or as late autumn and early/mid-winter sheep keep)
Supreme mid-winter keep
15% Tyfon Forage Brassica (Thiram treated)
15% Maincrop Turnip
45% Stubble Turnip
25% Forage Kale
Suggested sowing rate: 2 kilos per acre/5 kilos per hectare
- Sow early June – early August
- Optimum utilisation period is late autumn through to late January
- Principally a winter-based sheep keep mixture that is cheap to establish and should give an abundance of green feed from late October/early November onwards
Mid-winter keep
70% Stubble Turnip
20% Interval Rape x Kale Hybrid
10% Forage Kale
2 kilos per acre/5 kilos per hectare
- Sow Early June – Mid August
- Optimum utilisation period is late Autumn through to January
- A mixture designed to produce a good quantity of nutritious winter sheep keep
Supreme late-winter keep
40% Interval, Rape x Kale Hybrid
25% Stubble Turnip
20% Kale
15% Maincrop Turnip
Suggested sowing rate: 2.5 kilos per acre/6.25 kilos per hectare
- Sow June to early August
- Optimum utilisation period is late December – March
- A mixture of durable brassica species highly suited to mid/late winter sheep keep
- Primarily designed for sheep keep although out-wintered cattle can perform extremely well on this mixture
What type of mix are you looking for?
We are only too happy to quote for any mixture of your own formulation, please telephone Simon on 01529 421081 or email for price and availability. Non-organic mixtures are also available from Cope Seeds.
Although Cope Seeds stock an extensive range of varieties, there may from time to time be a situation where the variety listed is not available. Cope Seeds reserve the right to substitute any unavailable variety with a suitable alternative.