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Simon Travers with a bag of spring seeds

Order early for spring seed

According to reports from KWS, as of mid-October, only 10% of the UK winter wheat area had been drilled. While this may be a conservative estimate, with some breeders reporting the figure of 20%, it shows the potential requirement for Spring seed. Already we are seeing increased spring activity from growers placing their orders early.

We have the broadest portfolio of any organic seed company ensuring we offer our customers the best choice of variety to suit their farm and end market.

We are fairly well stocked with Spring Wheat Mulika, but Paragon stocks will be low, so advise ordering Paragon early if this is the variety of choice.

We have a broad range of barleys available including the increasingly popular feed wheat Evelina, which provides plenty of straw, superb disease resistance and the earliest maturity of any spring barley. Sienna will also be available, another consistent feed option, with the variety performing well in varying seasons. Laureate and Westminster will also be available as the malting barley options.

We’re pleased to have the exclusivity on the top yielding (treated and untreated) spring oat Delfin, Yukon, Aspen and Canyon. However, while stocks are good at the moment, we do envisage Delfin to sell out quickly.

Organic triticale will be available in the form of Somtri. Somtri has been around for a number of years and proven to be reliable and consistent

Organic Beans are likely to be tight this year as germination issues continue into a 2nd year. Derogations were granted in 2018 for seed to be sold with germination levels down to 70%, Autumn 2019 derogations were granted again and we are waiting to see if the same will be done for Spring 2020. We have Victus to offer this year, which is a high yielding Low Vicine and Low Convicine variety. We also have Fanfare and LG Cartouche, the variety with the highest protein content, available.

Get in touch with the Cope Seeds team for more information.