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Field of Securo triticale

Triticale “saved” Wiltshire farmer this year

Triticale delivers high yields and ample straw on Wiltshire farm

Wiltshire mixed farmer, David Irvine, has been growing Somtri spring triticale on Cotswold brash, since 2016.

The land was failing to deliver decent yields with wheat or barley, due to the hot, dry weather, and triticale not only thrived in these conditions, it provided a good amount of high-quality straw.

“In 2016 the triticale yielded over 9t/ha, which was around 1.85 tonnes per hectare more than the barley we planted the same year,” explains David.

“In 2017, we decided to plant more Triticale, which totalled 121 hectares and we haven’t looked back.”

David’s triticale yielded 8t/ha this year, which is by far the best performing crop in a tough year. “The triticale saved me in what’s been a difficult year, because it yielded well and it provided much-needed straw for the animals. We baled 3.5-4 bales per acre of triticale and next to no straw for the wheat or barley.

“With the hotter summers we seem to be having, the triticale performs well, and seems to like the dry weather. It’s a crop we will always grow on dry land,” adds David.

Somtri Triticale is exclusively brought to the market by seed and grain specialist, Cope Seeds and Grain. Often positioned as the livestock farmers choice, the variety is on the recommended list, boasting the highest protein content and holds the position of the second tallest variety in its category.

Gemma Clarke, Cope Seeds managing director, is clear that this Somtri has numerous benefits to farmers and end-markets. “Securo is an outstanding tall variety which stands well and has deep roots, which enable the plant to source water and nutrients deep in the soil structure and turns them into high levels of protein.”

“It spreads financial risk on the farm, due to its many potential markets, including forage, milling and AD,” adds Gemma.