
Gemma Clarke from Cope Seeds in a field of Merlin crop

Seed availability update

Helping you to market grain more effectively

Gemma Clarke gives insight into this season’s seed availability, urging farmers to order early for some varieties…

Seed Availability

Due to the Autumn drilling campaign being so difficult, seed availability for this Autumn has been affected in some areas and we are seeing a reduction in availability of some species.  

Where seed crops were drilled, there was an awful lot of late drilling which will have an impact on yields and therefore our availability. Certain varieties like KWS Extase may sell out sooner than others, so if this is the variety for you, we suggest you book early. Availability of Revelation and Nelson is also likely to be limited this year. Stocks of new variety RGT Saki should be good as the seed crop is looking fantastic, despite the late drilling and we have a large area of production available. We also have a small amount of overyeared Nelson, Cougar, Extase and KWS Zyatt seed available, should early drilling be of interest.  

The poor autumn weather also affected our ability to plant enough of our other species. This year we are unable to offer organic barley seed, but we are able to offer conventional untreated barley seed should derogations be granted. We would advise looking at the variety Valerie which offers a high untreated yield potential with a huge specific weight. This is bound to be the livestock farmers barley of choice.

We were also unable to get our triticale and spelt crops in the ground. However, we have managed to cover this and have UK produced untreated Securo triticale available and imported organic Convoitise and Oberkulmer Rotkorn spelt seed which we are able to offer with buy backs should this be of interest.

Our Mascani seed crops have certainly suffered from the spring drought, but we do have some overyeared stocks on floor to bolster our stocks and will help those looking at early drilling.

We also have organic Elego Rye available again this season and predict from looking at the crop, we should have just enough to meet the level of demand we saw last year.

As the UK needs more organic proteins, we suggest beans will be of interest. We are already sold out of organic bean seed and our conventional recleaned bean seed stocks are limited, as are the rest of the industries, so if winter beans are for you, please do order order.

Get in touch with the team to discuss your requirements.