We have argued for many years that yield results of varieties should be more closely looked at when choosing a variety. Some varieties can have ‘one off’ years in producing an outstanding yield figure which therefore distorts the overall mean seen in the HGCA Recommended List, it is therefore of real interest to see NIAB TAGs recent Consistency data. Varietal yields can vary tremendously from site to site and year to year and it is therefore important to look at growing varieties that are going to offer you consistency. One reason why JB Diego has proven so popular over the years is its consistency to perform and ‘do what it says on the tin’.
Consistency data allows you to assess variety potential as well as risk and make every effort possible to choose wisely and then manage varieties effectively.
Both group 1 varieties KWS Trinity and Skyfall clearly show a yield advantage but they also offer a narrower yield window. Although the yield potential of both these varieties isn’t massive, they both massively decrease the risk of getting a low yield which pushes mean yields up and can only be a good thing.
Group 2 newcomer, KWS Lili has a similar effect offering a high yield as well as consistent yields across sites and years, offering bags of potential at relatively low risk in terms of yield. Zulu remains the most consistent group 3 variety with new variety Britannia showing a wide range of yields has a low point similar to Zulu, but with a much higher top yield, so while the risks of a low yield are similar to Zulu, the chance of a very high yield are far better.
Revelation is the most consistent feed variety with Grafton, Reflection and KWS Kielder being the most variable. However despite its variability, Reflections combination of a high low point (low risk) and high potential does offer opportunities.