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Arable Update May 2017

With the spring drilling period now behind us, it’s time to take a look at the crops in the ground and assess how they are looking.

Many winter crops are looking fairly advanced for this time of year, but with drought being an issue not only across the UK but parts of Western Europe this has started to slow the growth down. Yellow rust is again widespread with reports from Exeter up to Berwick. The varieties where yellow rust is proving more apparent than others are Reflection, Gallant, Claire, Cordiale, Myriad and JB Diego.

There has been some concern that yellow rust is looking worse after its T1 spray which has prompted some to spray again unnecessarily. According to NIAB trials, the Yellow rust has been killed but produces bright yellow striping with little or no sporulation. Crops will grow away and look better after 10-14 days.

Cereals will soon be taking place (14 – 15th June , Lincolnshire) and with that in mind, farmers attentions will start to focus on Autumn seed, the new varieties & treatments the industry has to offer.

Wheat varieties to be of interest this year will be group 1 wheat variety KWS Zyatt, with its high yields and premium earning potential along with broad farm suitability, it could take 8% of the market. Skyfall, Sisken, Lili, Barrel & Graham, will remain popular whilst new varieties in the soft group 4 market Moulton &, LG Sundance, LG Motown, alongside Kerrin and Shabras in the hard feeds will also take a lot of interest.


See our wheat varieties


For those livestock farmers looking to try an improved Cassia type, with higher yields, excellent grain quality and plenty of straw, they may want to consider Estoria Winter Barley, pictured here in Cambridge.

It is well on for this time in the year and will be an early to mature variety. The crop appears to be healthy with little disease which comes as no surprise as Estoria is the sister variety to spring barley Evelina.

Hybrid barleys are likely to take a larger share of the market and early booking is advised to guarantee the variety choice of your farmer.

For those farmers looking for the highest quality of seed, EXCEL seed is now available on a larger number of varieties than the spring. Remember EXCEL offers higher guaranteed germination of 95% over the certifying standard of 85%, no blackgrass seed, and a higher level of purity at 99.7%. Please see our pricelist for varieties offered as EXCEL