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SFI Seed Mixes

Purchase our extensive range of highly productive SFI seed mixtures. Our superior seed range covers organic and conventional farming systems and each mix has been designed to comply with specific SFI actions.

AHL 1 - Pollen & Nectar Flower Mix

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 1 - Organic Pollen & Nectar

  • This option can be used only on arable land, temporary grassland and bush orchards
  • This option cannot be applied to plots that are adjacent to sites of special scientific interest
  • To be eligible you must establish a flower-rich margin or plot between 15th of March and the 31st May or alternatively from the 15th of July until the 15th of October
  • The mixture will need to contain the following grasses and perennial flowering plants: (a sowing rate of 20kg per hectare will ensure there are a sufficient number of established plants)
    • Slender red fescue
    • Sorrel
    • Sheep’s fescue
    • Bird’s-foot trefoil
    • Smooth-stalked meadow grass
    • Ribwort plantain
    • Smaller cat’s-tail
    • Yellow rattle
    • Crested dog’s-tail
    • Self heal
    • Common bent
    • Yarrow
    • Sweet vernal grass
    • Wild carrot
    • Black knapweed
    • Lady’s bedstraw
    • Meadow buttercup
    • Ox-eye daisy
  • If the plant grows to more than 15cm before 31st of March you are allowed to cut it in order to achieve a plant height of between 5cm and 10cm from the 1st of April. You should also look to cut or graze 90% of the area between 15th of august and the 31st of October to leave a plant height of between 10cm and 20cm and leaving 10% of the area uncut or ungrazed
  • This option can be located on the same area as the following options:
    • OR3
    • OT3
SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 1 - Pollen & Nectar Bronze

  • 25% Buckwheat
  • 25% Linseed
  • 20% Vetch
  • 15% Crimson Clover
  • 10% Berseem Clover
  • 4.6% Phacelia
  • 0.2% Black Knapweed
  • 0.2% Ag Yarrow

Suggested sowing rate 15kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 1 - Pollen & Nectar Gold

  • 33% Sainfoin
  • 25% Vetch
  • 10% Red Clover
  • 8% Alsike Clover
  • 8% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 6.5% Crimson Clover
  • 4% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 4% Yellow Trefoil
  • 1% Black Knapweed
  • 0.5% Yarrow

Suggested sowing rate 15kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 1 - Pollen & Nectar Silver

  • 40% Vetch
  • 30% Sainfoin
  • 12% Crimson Clover
  • 7.6% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 6% Altaswede
  • 4% Alsike Clover
  • 0.2% Yarrow
  • 0.2% Black Knapweed

Suggested sowing rate 15kg per hectare

AHL 1 - important information

Blocks or strips of Pollen & Nectar flower mixture should be established and maintained on land entered into this action.

A grass-free seed mixture should be sown containing at least 6 flower species with no single species exceeding 50% of the mixture

As a minimum, the mixture should contain at least 2 of the following species:-

    • Common Knapweed
    • Musk Mallow
    • Oxeye Daisy
    • Wild Carrot
    • Yarrow

These blocks or strips should be established during the first 12 months of the agreement and should be maintained on the same area for the 3 years of the agreement. The following must not be done:-

  • Cut or Graze them with livestock in a way that this agreement’s aim cannot reasonably be achieved
  • Apply fertilsers or manures
  • Use pesticides, except for herbicides to weed wipe or spot treat for the control of injurious weeds, invasive non-native species, nettles or bracken.

Existing blocks or strips of pollen and nectar mixture can be maintained as long as they meet the above criteria and payment is being taken as part of another land management scheme such as the Countryside Stewardship AB1 scheme.

AHL 2 - Winter Bird Food on Arable & Horticultural Land

Field of EFA compliant Mix

AHL 2 - Organic Wild Bird Food

Organic Wild Bird Food

  • 65% Organic Triticale/Barley
  • 5% Organic Mustard
  • 3% R/C Kale
  • 4% R/C Quinoa
  • 10% R/C Linseed
  • 10% R/C Fodder Radish
  • 3% R/C Red/White Millet

Suggested sowing rate 50kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 2 - Winter Bird Food Gold - With Sunflowers

  • 60% Spring Triticale
  • 15% Sunflower
  • 8% Quinoa
  • 4% Kale/Kale x Rape Hybrid
  • 8% Fodder Radish
  • 5% Millets

Suggested sowing rate 50kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 2 - Winter Bird Food Gold - Without Sunflowers

  • 65% Spring Triticale
  • 8% Quinoa
  • 7% Kale/Kale x Rape Hybrid
  • 10% Fodder Radish
  • 10% Millets

Suggested sowing rate 50kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 2 - Winter Bird Food Bronze

  • 40% Spring Triticale
  • 28% Spring Barley
  • 15% Spring Wheat
  • 10% Fodder Radish
  • 5% White Millet
  • 2% Red Millet

Suggested sowing rate 40kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 2 - Winter Bird Food Silver

  • 45% Spring Triticale
  • 20% Spring Barley
  • 15% Spring Wheat
  • 7% Kale
  • 4% Fodder Radish
  • 4% White Millet
  • 3% Quinoa
  • 2% Red Millet

Suggested sowing rate 40kg per hectare

AHL 2 - important information

Blocks or strips of Wild Bird Food must be established, sowing a mixture of at least 6 crops that will provide an extended supply of small seed for farmland birds

The mixture sown must NOT include:-

  • Artichokes, Reed Canary Grass, Giant or Intermediate Sorghum, Maize, Miscanthus, Sweet Clover or Tic Beans

If you are doing the action on the same area of land over the 3 year period, the wild food blocks or strips must be established within the first 12 months of the agreement and maintained the area in each subsequent year.

If the action is being rotated round the farm each year, the blocks or strips must be done in a reasonable time expected to achieve the aim of the agreement.

AHL 3 - Grassy Field Corners & Blocks

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 3/4 - Organic Arable Reversions

  • 20% Organic Meadow Fescue
  • 10% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
  • 10% Sheeps Fescue
  • 20% Organic Timothy
  • 5% Common Bent Grass
  • 30% Organic Creeping Red Fescue
  • 5% Crested Dogstail

Suggested sowing rate 30kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 3 - Grassy Corners & Blocks - No cocksfoot

  • 37% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 22% Chewings Fescue
  • 22% Tall Fescue
  • 12% SSMG
  • 7% Timothy

Suggested sowing rate 20kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 3 - Grassy Corners & Blocks - with cocksfoot

  • 45% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 20% Cocksfoot
  • 20% Tall Fescue
  • 10% SSMG
  • 5% Timothy

Suggested sowing rate 20kg/ha

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 3/4 - Organic Grassy Corners & Blocks

  • 20% Organic Timothy
  • 20% Organic Meadow Fescue
  • 25% Organic Creeping Red Fescue
  • 10% Organic Cocksfoot
  • 5% Common Bent
  • 10% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
  • 10% Chewings Fescue

Suggested sowing rate 25kg per hectare

AHL 3 - important information

The agreements aim is to establish and intact grass sward throughout the year, without tracks, compaction or poaching so that Tussocky grass can develop.

The blocks can either be sown or allowed to naturally regenerate. During the first 12 months of sowing or allowing regeneration, the area can be regularly cut or grazed to control annual weeds and to encourage new grass shoots to develop.

Once established, the area must be managed in a way that would reasonably be expected to achieve the agreement’s aims.

The following must NOT be done:-

  • Graze them with livestock in a way that means the actions cannot reasonably be achieved
  • Cut them except for localized cutting to control injurious weeds, invasive non-native species, soft and hard rush, nettles and bracken
  • Use the areas for regular vehicle access, vehicle turning or storage
  • Carry out activities which may disturb breeding birds or damage nests
  • Apply fertilisers, manures or lime
  • Use pesticides except for herbicides to spot-treated or weed-wipe for the control of injurious weeds, invasive non-native species, soft and hard rush, nettles and bracken

AHL 4 - 4-12m Grass Buffer Strips

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 4 - Watercourse Buffer Strips

  • 15% Tall Fescue
  • 20% Sheep / Hard Fescue
  • 20% Timothy
  • 10% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
  • 35% Creeping Red Fescue

Suggested sowing rate 25kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

AHL 4 - Reestablish Grassland

  • 20% Meadow Fescue
  • 10% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
  • 15% Sheeps Fescue
  • 20% Timothy
  • 5% Common Bent Grass
  • 25% Red Fescue
  • 5% Crested Dogstail


Suggested sowing rate 30kgs per hectare

AHL 4 - important information

This action’s aim is that there’s a grass buffer strip with an intact grass sward throughout the year, without tracks, compacted areas or poaching.

You must not do any of the following on the grass buffer strip once it’s established:

  • Use it for regular vehicular access, turning or storage
  • Apply any fertilisers and manures
  • Use pesticides, except for herbicides to weed wipe or spot treat for the control
  • of injurious weeds, invasive non-native species, nettles or bracken

IPM 2 - Flower Rich Grass Margins, Clocks & In-Field Strips

SFi Seed Mixes

IPM 2 - 10% Wildflowers Gold

Grass Species

  • 25% Slender Red Fescue
  • 25% SSMG
  • 12% Chewings Fescue
  • 10% Crested Dogstail
  • 5% Hard Fescue

Flowering Species

  • 3.25% Sainfoin
  • 3% Vetch
  • 3% Browntop Bent
  • 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 2% Black Medick
  • 2% Red Clover
  • 2% Black Knapweed
  • 1.3% Oxeye Daisy
  • 1.25% Yarrow
  • 1% Wild Carrot
  • 1% Plantain
  • 0.5% Selfheal
  • 0.20% Musk Mallow

Suggested sowing rate 16-20kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

IPM 2 - 10% Wildflowers Silver

Grasses Species

  • 3% Crested Dogstail
  • 2% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
  • 20% Sheeps Fescue
  • 36% Red Fescue
  • 20% Chewings Fescue
  • 5% Meadow Fescue
  • 4% Timothy

Flowering Species

  • 1.00% Yarrow
  • 0.50% Salad Burnet
  • 1.00% Phacelia
  • 0.25% Oxeye Daisy
  • 0.50% Vipers Buglos
  • 0.50% Corn Cockle
  • 1.00% Wild Carrot
  • 2.50% Vetch
  • 0.50% Meadow Sweet
  • 0.50% Common Mallow
  • 1.00% Sainfoin
  • 0.50% Agrimony
  • 0.25% Red Clover

Suggested sowing rate 20kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

IPM 2 - 10% Wildflowers Bronze

Grass species

  • 45% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 15% Chewings Fescue
  • 15% Hard Fescue
  • 15% SSMG

Flowering Species

  • 2.5% Sainfoin
  • 2.5% Vetch
  • 1.5% Red Clover
  • 1.25% Alsike Clover
  • 0.75% Plantain
  • 0.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 0.25% Black Knapweed (N)
  • 0.25% Oxeye Daisy
  • 0.25% Sheeps Burnet
  • 0.25% Yarrow

Suggested sowing rate 16-20kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

IPM 2 - Organic

The purpose of this agreement is to encourage natural crop pest predators as part of an IPM approach if located close to cropped areas, also to provide habitat and foraging sites for invertebrates, including natural crop pest predators, wild pollinators such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies and also to attract farmland birds.

The requirement is to sow a mixture containing:-

At 4 species of grass to a maximum content of 90% of the mixture but must not include ryegrass.

At least 10 species of wild flowers with no more than one species comprising more than 25% of the wild flower content.

With the variety of organic seeds available for production, we feel a suitably strong 70% Organic mixture can’t be achieved without risking the flowering species being outcompeted. Please do ask us for alternative suggestions.

IPM 2 - important information

The purpose of this agreement is to encourage natural crop pest predators as part of an IPM approach if located close to cropped areas, also to provide habitat and foraging sites for invertebrates, including natural crop pest predators, wild pollinators such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies and also to attract farmland birds.

The requirement is to sow a mixture containing:-

  • At least 4 species of grass to a maximum content of 90% of the mixture but must not include ryegrass
  • At least 10 species of wild flowers with no more than one species comprising more than 25% of the wild flower content.

The following management rules apply

  • The area must not be cut or grazed
  • It must not have mechanically applied fertilizer or manure
  • Pesticides must not be applied other than herbicides to weed wipe or spot treat for the control of injurious weeds, the invasion of non-native species, nettles or bracken.

This must be established during the first 12 months of the agreement

IPM 3 - Companion crop on arable and horticultural land

SFi Seed Mixes


As the name suggests, you must establish a companion crop so that it is growing with the main arable or horticultural crop.

The companion crop does not have to be present for the full growing period of the main crop as long as it is managed in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve the action’s aim and it’s intended purpose.

This must be done each year of the 3 year agreement.

You can establish a companion crop by:-

  • Trap Cropping – sowing a trap crop to attract pests away form a main arable or horticultural crop
  • Inter-cropping – sow a companion crop with the main arable or horticultural crop
  • Undersowing – sowing a companion crop to form a living mulch beneath an arable or horticultural crop

Deep rooted species should be avoided on any area within a land parcel that contains historic or archaeological features. Legumes should not be used on peaty soils – the criteria for it to be classed as peaty soil is if there is 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

SFi Seed Mixes

IPM 3 - Organic

As the name suggests, you must establish a companion crop so that it is growing with the main arable or horticultural crop.

The companion crop does not have to be present for the full growing period of the main crop as long as it is managed in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve the action’s aim and it’s intended purpose.

This must be done each year of the 3 year agreement.

You can establish a companion crop by:-

  • Trap Cropping – sowing a trap crop to attract pests away form a main arable or horticultural crop
  • Inter-cropping – sow a companion crop with the main arable or horticultural crop
  • Undersowing – sowing a companion crop to form a living mulch beneath an arable or horticultural crop

Deep rooted species should be avoided on any area within a land parcel that contains historic or archaeological features. Legumes should not be used on peaty soils – the criteria for it to be classed as peaty soil is if there is 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

IPM 3 - important information

As the name suggests, you must establish a companion crop so that it is growing with the main arable or horticultural crop.

The companion crop does not have to be present for the full growing period of the main crop as long as it is managed in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve the action’s aim and it’s intended purpose.

This must be done each year of the 3 year agreement.

You can establish a companion crop by:-

  • Trap Cropping – sowing a trap crop to attract pests away form a main arable or horticultural crop
  • Inter-cropping – sow a companion crop with the main arable or horticultural crop
  • Undersowing – sowing a companion crop to form a living mulch beneath an arable or horticultural crop

Deep rooted species should be avoided on any area within a land parcel that contains historic or archaeological features. Legumes should not be used on peaty soils – the criteria for it to be classed as peaty soil is if there is 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

NUM 2 - Legumes on Improved Grassland

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 2 - Existing Sward Mixture

The suggested mixture for adding legumes to an existing sward would be:-

  • 60% Red Clover
  • 25% White Clover
  • 15% Alsike Clover

The suggested seeding rate would be 7.5-10 kilos per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 2 - Gold

  • 28% Late Perennial Ryegrass (T)
  • 15% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
  • 15% Late Perennial Ryegrass
  • 12% Red Clover
  • 9% Ecotain
  • 8% Chicory
  • 7% Timothy
  • 6% White Clover

Suggested sowing rate 30kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 2 - Silver

  • 70% Int. Perennial Ryegrass (T)
  • 10% Red Clover
  • 6% White Clover
  • 6% Plantain
  • 6% Timothy
  • 2% Sheeps Burnet

Suggested sowing rate 30kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 2 - Organic Gold

  • 5% Alsike Clover
  • 2% Yellow Trefoil
  • 50% Organic Vetch
  • 10% Lucerne
  • 13% Sweet Yellow Blossom Clover
  • 20% Organic Red Clover

Suggested sowing rate 25kg per hectare

If the mixture was to be down for more than the 3 year agreement, a longer term ley should be suggested with less red clover and more white clover and more perennial ryegrass.

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 2 - Organic Silver

  • 10% Berseem Clover
  • 20% Organic Crimson Clover
  • 50% Organic Vetch
  • 10% Sainfoin
  • 5% Alsike Clover
  • 5% Sweet Yellow Blossom Clover

Suggested Sowing rate 25kg per hectare

NUM 2 - important information

This agreement involves either sowing a grass/clover mixture or overseeding an existing grass-only sward with legumes.

The suggested legumes to be sown are one or more of the following:-
Red Clover, White Clover, Alsike Clover, Sainfoin, Lucerne or Birdsfoot Trefoil

If the mixture was to be down for more than the 3-year agreement, a longer-term ley should be suggested with less red clover and more white clover and more perennial ryegrass.

NUM 3 - Legume Fallow

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 3 - Gold - No Grasses (2-year)

  • 52% Vetch
  • 12% Alsike Clover
  • 12% Crimson Clover
  • 12% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 10% Red Clover
  • 1% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 1% Yellow Trefoil

Suggested sowing rate 15-20kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 3 - With Grasses (2-year)

  • 36% Perennial Ryegrass
  • 30% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 10% Crimson Clover
  • 10% Vetch
  • 5% Red Clover
  • 4% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 1% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 1% Yellow Trefoil

Suggested sowing rater 30-40kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 3 - Organic - With Grass

  • 36% Organic Perennial Ryegrass
  • 30% Organic Creeping Red Fescue
  • 10% Crimson Clover
  • 10% Vetch
  • 5% Red Clover
  • 4% Organic Lucerne (pre-inoculated)
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 1% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 1% Yellow Trefoil

Suggested sowing rate 30-40kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 3 - Organic - No Grass

  • 52% Organic Vetch
  • 12% Alsike Clover
  • 12% Organic Crimson Clover
  • 12% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 10% Organic Red Clover
  • 1% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 1% Yellow Trefoil

Suggested sowing rate 15-20kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

NUM 3 - Silver - No Grasses

  • 10% Alex Berseem Clover
  • 20% Contea Crimson Clover
  • 50% Vetch
  • 10% Sainfoin
  • 5% Alsike Clover
  • 5% Sweet Yellow Blossom Clover

Suggested sowing rate 25kg per hectare

NUM 3 - important information

To establish the legume fallow, you must sow a seed mixture containing a least 6 flowering species, including legumes.

The seed mix can contain legumes such as:-
Alsike Clover, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Black Medic, Common Vetch & Lucerne

Deep rooted species such as Lucerne should be avoided in areas within a land parcel containing historic or archaeological features.

The legume fallow should be established from the 2 nd spring after sowing
You must not do the following:-

  • Graze it with livestock
  • Cut it, except to prevent blackgrass from setting seed or to control other annual grass weeds
  • Apply Nitrogen or Manures
  • Use pesticide, except for herbicides to weed wipe or spot treated for the control of injurious weeds, invasive non native species, nettles or bracken

SAM 2 - Multi-species winter cover

SFi Seed Mixes


The requirement is to establish a multi-species cover crop mixture containing at least 2 species from the following list:-
Brassicae, Legumes, Grass, Cereals, Herbs

Many of our standard cover crop mixtures would meet this criteria as would a grass ley. There are the following management rules apply:-

  • No legumes are to be sown on peaty soils – the criteria for it to be classed as peaty soil is if there is 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more
  • Cover Crop must be fully established over the winter months
  • No Fertiliser or Manure is to be applied
  • Can be grazed as long as cover is not affected
  • Can be destroyed no more than 6 weeks prior to a spring crop being sown
  • Cover can be destroyed before the end of the winter months if early spring sowing is being done but again, cannot be done more than 6 weeks prior to sowing.
SFi Seed Mixes

SAM 2 - Organic

The requirement is to establish a multi-species cover crop mixture containing at least 2 species from the following list:-
Brassicae, Legumes, Grass, Cereals, Herbs

Many of our standard cover crop mixtures would meet this criteria as would a grass ley. There are the following management rules apply:-

  • No legumes are to be sown on peaty soils – the criteria for it to be classed as peaty soil is if there is 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more
  • Cover Crop must be fully established over the winter months
  • No Fertiliser or Manure is to be applied
  • Can be grazed as long as cover is not affected
  • Can be destroyed no more than 6 weeks prior to a spring crop being sown
  • Cover can be destroyed before the end of the winter months if early spring sowing is being done but again, cannot be done more than 6 weeks prior to sowing.
SAM 2 - important information

The requirement is to establish a multi-species cover crop mixture containing at least 2 species from the following list:-
Brassicae, Legumes, Grass, Cereals, Herbs

Many of our standard cover crop mixtures would meet this criteria as would a grass ley. There are the following management rules apply:-

  • No legumes are to be sown on peaty soils – the criteria for it to be classed as peaty soil is if there is 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more
  • Cover Crop must be fully established over the winter months
  • No Fertiliser or Manure is to be applied
  • Can be grazed as long as cover is not affected
  • Can be destroyed no more than 6 weeks prior to a spring crop being sown
  • Cover can be destroyed before the end of the winter months if early spring sowing is being done but again, cannot be done more than 6 weeks prior to sowing.

SAM 3 - Herbal Leys

SFi Seed Mixes

SAM 3 - Bronze

5 Grass Species

  • 15% Intermediate Ryegrass
  • 21% Late Ryegrass
  • 6% Meadow Fescue
  • 7% Timothy
  • 2% Cocksfoot
  • 6% Tall Fescue

4 Legume Species

  • 11% Red Clover
  • 11% Sainfoin
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 1% Sweet Yellow Clover

4 Herbal Species

  • 4% Ribwort Plantain
  • 3% Sheeps Parsley
  • 2% Yarrow
  • 8% Burnet

Suggested sowing rate 35Kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

SAM 3 - Gold

5 Grass Species

  • 27% Perennial Ryegrass
  • 20% Festulolium
  • 13% Cocksfoot
  • 10% SSMG
  • 5% Timothy

6 Legumes

  • 7% Red Clover
  • 6% Sainfoin
  • 5% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 1% Fenugreek

6 Herbal Species

  • 1% Chicory
  • 0.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 0.5% Sheeps Burnet
  • 0.25% Yarrow
  • 0.05% Sheeps Parsley
  • 0.7% Plantain

Suggested sowing rate 30kg per hectare

The ley must be rested between the start of May and the end of July for a period of at least 5 weeks

SFi Seed Mixes

SAM 3 - No Grass

4 Legume Species

  • 24% Red Clover
  • 25% Sainfoin
  • 8% Alsike Clover
  • 3% Sweet Yellow Clover

4 Herbal Species

  • 8% Ribwort Plantain
  • 7% Sheeps Parsley
  • 5% Yarrow
  • 20% Burnet

Suggested sowing rate 15Kgs per hectare

The ley must be rested between the start of May and the end of July for a period of at least 5 weeks

SFi Seed Mixes

SAM 3 - Organic Gold

  • 27% Organic Intermediate PRG
  • 20% Organic Festulolium
  • 15% Organic Cocksfoot
  • 8% Organic Meadow Fescue
  • 7% Red Clover
  • 6.25% Sainfoin
  • 5% Timothy
  • 5.50% Plato Lucerne
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 1% Fenugreek
  • 0.75% Chicory
  • 0.75% Plantain
  • 0.25% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 0.25% Yarrow
  • 0.25% Sheep’s Parsley

Suggested sowing rate 30kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

SAM 3 - Organic Bronze

  • 35% Organic Intermediate PRG
  • 25% Organic Creeping Red Fescue
  • 10% Organic Festulolium
  • 7% Red Clover
  • 6.25% Sainfoin
  • 5% Crested Dogstail
  • 4% Timothy
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 2% Lucerne
  • 1% Sheep’s Burnet
  • 0.50% Virgo Trefoil
  • 0.50% Plantain
  • 0.25% Yarrow
  • 0.25% Sheep’s Parsley
  • 0.25% Fenugreek

Suggested sowing rate 30kg per hectare

SFi Seed Mixes

SAM 3 - Organic Silver

  • 23% Organic (Late Dip) PRG
  • 23% Organic (Int Tet) PRG
  • 12% Organic Red Clover
  • 8% Organic Timothy
  • 4% Organic Meadow Fescue
  • 4% Sainfoin
  • 4% Ribwort Plantain
  • 3% Chicory
  • 3% Burnet
  • 1% Yarrow
  • 4% Tall Fescue
  • 1% Sheeps Parsley
  • 3% Yellow Trefoil
  • 45% Cocksfoot
  • 3% Alsike Clover

Suggested sowing rate 35kg per hectare

SAM 3 - important information

This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help
improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

The requirement is to establish and maintain a herbal ley which should usually include:-

5 Species of grass such as
Cocksfoot, Perennial Ryegrass, Festulolium, Meadow Fescue
Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, Tall Fescue, Timothy
The Ryegrass & Festulolium content should be no more than 70% of the mixture

3 Species of Legume such as
Birdsfoot Trefoil, Lucerne, Red Clover, Sainfoin, Winter Vetch
Common Vetch, Black Medick (Yellow Trefoil)

5 species of Herbs such as
Burnet, Chicory, Sheeps Parsley, Ribwort Plantain, Yarrow

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