Puzon Spring Triticale

Exceptional yields and excellent disease resistance

Puzon is a high achiever in field trials with the highest yield across all three sites, a low powdery mildew score and a high specific weight. A new spring triticale variety with good yield potential, Puzon has a high protein content making it ideal for animal feed.

Puzon’s height is classed as medium and has good resistance to lodging. It has an excellent disease resistance package with very good scores for powdery mildew, brown and yellow rust plus ear fusarium.

Puzon comes from the well renowned triticale breeder Danko of Poland who have bred varieties Kasyno and Dublet and we are proud to be representing this variety in the UK.

Top performer for yields and ideal for drought-prone land

We trialled Puzon across 3 untreated trial sites where it stood out for its yield, coming top across all 3 sites and its specific weight where it came 2nd across all 3 trial sites. Spring triticale is useful for livestock farmers looking to grow for their own on farm use. It can deliver grain with high protein and high lysine content. Lysine is an essential and limiting amino acid needed to improve the feeding efficiency mainly in pig and poultry diets. Triticale can also be used for wholecropping or combining and as with winter triticale, spring triticale is a useful species for light, drought-prone land.

We have good supplies of Puzon coming forward this harvest and welcome any questions you may have around the variety and potential end markets. 1st position 2nd Position

Key Puzon attributes

  • High protein content
  • High untreated yields
  • Excellent disease resistance profile
  • High specific weight
  • Good lodging resistance

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